Beat the

with palgorithm

Tired of the unpredictable algorithms deciding your content's fate?

Harness the latest AI and Machine learning technologies to ensure your creating content that will dominate the feeds of your future customers.

The "Art" Part.

Anyone who thinks creating content is easy has never created content.

In order for machine learning to be impactful - it needs the most important part - YOU!


Gain access to your media through our cloud storage. Full HD, no watermarks. Ready for editing and repurposing.


By leveraging our tagging system you'll create your own metadata structure that will help our AI get inside the mind of you - the creator!


Connect to your TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube profile so that our application can run seamlessly in the background.

The "Science" Part.

Cumulative data is OUT!

Continuous data is IN!


Timing is everything! We'll measure each new piece of media every 24 hours for 30 days to given you the best insights possible.


Your content IS special. No seriously it is! Our ML/AI tools will train on your media, metadata, and metrics.


As we like to say - if you aren't testing you aren't trying! Work with our team to uncover what factors drive the best performance with our objective, data-rich environment.