Learn your

with palgorithm

Are you tired of the seemingly unpredictable algorithm deciding your content's fate?

We were too.

So we built the world's first personalized analytics agent for content creators - Palgorithm.

Try Palgorithm

It's free to sign up.

No credit card required.

Is your time important?

Of course it is.

That's why we didn't waste it on some endless marketing funnel that traps you in a million lead magnets or "free" offers all to close you with some pointless high ticket offer after all the false scarcity that's been communicated.

We are software developers who build tools that are sold as products so that users can derive value from from them - or not.

It's simple.

What are you waiting for?

Aren't you tired?

Tired of the endless parade of self-proclaimed “marketing gurus” who talk a big game but know nothing and deliver nothing of real value?

We’re not here to upsell you on nonsense or drown you in empty promises.

We’re here to focus on what actually matters: building tools and products that make a genuine difference.

Our commitment is simple—no fluff, no gimmicks, just real solutions designed to work for you, not to impress some marketing know-it-alls.

Because we believe your time and investment should go toward something that delivers results, not fills the pockets of some high ticket sales moron so he can shoot another TikTok video about a recent car or vacation.